I recently picked up the One Thousand Gifts Devotional by Ann Voskamp and it fit perfectly with where I've been lately. For the past couple of months, I've been in total awe over the completely blessed life I have been given by the generous grace of God.
In her introduction she explains how the original book One Thousand Gifts came about through a challenge from a friend to keep track of one thousand things she loved. As time progressed and she gave thanks for big and small things in her life she realized how much more she was being blessed and how much closer her relation with God became. In that same spirit I myself am going to begin a journey to give thanks for One Thousand....or more....blessings in my life.
1) I am thankful to have been chosen by God to be His daughter. It is not a position I take lightly. I desire to make my Papa proud.
2) I am thankful God blessed me with the best grandmother. She loved me in ways that still bring a swelling to my heart. And she taught me the greatest love in life is that between God and His child.
3) I love the three children of my heart that He allowed me to assist in raising. The adults they have become make my heart smile.
4) I could not ask for better than the two sweet voice that call me MiMi. Their precious faces and loving hearts always make my day joyous.
5) I have a job that is more of an answer to a quiet prayer than I ever expected. This place He has picked for me fulfills so much of what I desire to do and be in ways I never would have imagined on my own.
6) The blessing of a mate who is by no means perfect but is absolutely perfect for me could only have come from a generous and loving Creator who not only knows the desires of my heart but also the needs of my spirit.
That's my list for today. I feel so overwhelmingly loved!
God Is Already Working In Ways You’ve Yet to Imagine
20 hours ago