I just realized it's been such a long time since I have posted. Life has a way of getting busy sometimes. And boy has mine been busy!
I started back to school to get my degree in Christian Counseling. I was praying one morning about something completely different and the Lord said it was time to go back to school and get that degree. He has plans for me to use it. I don't know the details but that's ok because I know He does!
I started taking online classes through Liberty University in October of 2013. So far I have completed 21 hours. I have enjoyed most of my classes although it has been overwhelming at times just to keep up with all the reading in between work, family and church obligations!
Ah...looks like that is all for now. My day is already getting too busy! Blessings to all and may God continue to meet you where you are and minister to all your needs.
God Is Already Working In Ways You’ve Yet to Imagine
20 hours ago