I committed to doing an online bible study for the first time in my life after reading a post by Lysa Terkeurst over at Proverbs 31 Ministries about her book Unglued. What drew me to the book was for one I enjoy her writing style and two she seemed to have been writing from my journal of life.
With the beginning of menopause a year or so ago, I have struggled with keeping my emotions under control. Sometimes it's like watching a video of someone else. I say things or feel things that have no rationale. I have spent much of my prayer time asking for help with being able to control or even eliminate emotions and to get out from under the bondage of hormones.
After reading chapter one of her book yesterday, I have a new hope. I believe God can and will show me how to properly use and express my emotions. No longer do I feel hopeless and like an utter failure emotionally. I anxiously await to see how "God reveals how emotions can work FOR us instead of against us."
Embracing Your Season
8 hours ago
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