
  • Feeling: Determined
  • Watching: This Is Us
  • Reading: Strengths Based Marriage

Cry out to Jesus

Monday, April 15, 2013

Psalm 107:19-21

New King James Version (NKJV)
19 Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble,
And He saved them out of their distresses.
20 He sent His word and healed them,
And delivered them from their destructions.
21 Oh, that men would give thanks to the Lord for His goodness,
And for His wonderful works to the children of men!

These verses today are just more confirmation from God of the work He is doing in my life. For the past week or so He has been showing me how my struggles with trust are hindering my growth. 

It started out with Him reminding me that I am to seek His face, to seek first His kingdom. How often I have heard and read these scriptures yet never really meditated on their significance and the role they play in my trust and consequently my growth.

To illustrate this, God used the ocean at night. I see Him and He beckons me to Him. My first inclination is always to say yes, God I'm willing to go where You lead. So I swim out into the middle of the ocean and then I begin to notice my dark and deserted it is in the deep and I turn to look for the shore and can barely make it out in the distance. Then panic sets in and I know I have to turn back to where I can touch feel the ground beneath me. So I struggle to swim back to that security. But that security isn't real or eternal so it doesn't make me safe or strong. And putting my trust in that false security makes each day a struggle.

God says to me "Jammie, seek My face. Look to me for your security, for your safety, for your life. Don't get distracted by what you see with your human eye. Rely on My vision on My strength on My plan. Leave the shore behind for good....for a greater good. You are My precious child and there is no place safer than My arms. Leave the struggle behind."

And today, putting myself in this verse...when I cried out to the Lord in my trouble, He saved me, He healed me, He delivered me out of destruction. How can I doubt His faithfulness or His presence? I praise Him for He is holy. And He is my security. When I seek His face, everything else fades away. I see through the eyes of faith.....through His eyes not by what circumstance looks like. I can operate without the stress of the world.

I am a child of the one true King! I am saved, I am change, I have been set free! Satan has no power, no authority, no dominion over me. I don't have to accept anything he brings to me or against me. My God is well able to deliver me.....He has delivered me through His son Jesus. Praise God. Thank you Jesus. I am blessed and highly favored!


Unknown said...

Jammie, you made so many wonderful points, how trust hinders our growth because he can't use us. You are right we need to be in his word and know what he is telling us and we can do that through seeking Him. Thank you for a uplifting and encouraging blog today.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful post! Thank you so much for sharing. Your last paragraph reminds me of the song "My Name Is"

OBS Leader

Anonymous said...

Beautiful illustration of the struggle we face as humans. I just love it! Thank you for sharing this with us and for your faith that is shining through in this post. Amen!
Erin Cuomo, OBS Group Leader

Unknown said...

Thank you all for the encouragement! And the last part is from the song "My Name Is". During this time God had used that song to confirm what He was showing me. I got into the car after a long day of struggling to quiet the thoughts from the enemy and heard this song for the first time. It was one of those moments when I felt like God grabbed me in His arms and said how much He loved me!